
Modalities, Approaches & FAQ

Art Therapy

Art Therapy is an evidence-based form of psychotherapy which uses the creative process and art piece to help express, explore and make meaning of your thoughts, feelings and experience.

I will provide a range of art materials, and guidance on how to use them if needed. You can then experiment with the materials and create what you feel called to. Art therapy is safe space to freely express yourself, feel autonomy and engage with the imagination.

Art therapy is different from an art class in the sense that the art therapist is not teaching you how to do art (although guidance is available when needed) nor interested in how ‘good’ the final art piece looks.  Art therapists are interested in what it was like to make the art, and whether through reflection, your art can help to express and create deeper meaning of your experiences. 

Art therapy can be seen as useful in a number of ways. Through art making, we are able to express what cannot be accessed with words (such as traumatic experiences). In making and sharing it with an art therapist, we can externalise a part of our inner world, to have it seen and held by another, which can be deeply healing.

Art therapy can also be seen as a way in which to bridge the subconscious and the conscious mind. With this approach, together we’ll reflect on your art work and the meaning you make from it. I will not interpret your work, but rather express curiosity to support you to connect with yourself and increase your inner knowing. Art therapy can also assist us to get into a ‘flow’ state, and support us to regulate the nervous system. 


I use a person-centred approach in my counselling, which is also known as Rogerian therapy. This is a client-lead approach, meaning that I follow you in the session - I listen deeply and explore what you would like to, and at your own pace. I am not prescriptive, nor likely to give homework, other than checking in with you about how the ideas or tools within the session have translated to your outside life. 

I also use other approaches and theories within my practice, such as trauma-informed, intersectional feminism, attachment systems and nervous system awareness, to support deeper understanding of you and your experience. 

I incorporate mind-body techniques into my sessions. This is a bottom-up approach, meaning that we use the body and the nervous system to help guide us on what needs attention and support. We explore and build on your capacity to feel your body through your emotions, sensations and states. This work uses mindfulness, body awareness, breath awareness and body orientation tools.

Block Sessions & Groups

Block Sessions

Perhaps there is a particular challenge right now you’d like to explore and find a sense of resolution for, or you just need a little more support at this point in life. Maybe you’d like to engage in therapy, but can’t commit to un-going sessions right now. If this feels like your situation, set of block sessions (3-5) can be arranged.


Art therapy groups are  available for your organisation, to either work with client groups, or as a well-being experience for your team. 

Groups can be non-directive, meaning that the client group is autonomous in their art making and are supported to explore what they feel to be relevant. Or, groups can be directive, in which the group is provided specific themes and associated art therapy interventions.

A set block of groups sessions can be arranged, or likewise a one-off. Please reach out for more information . 


What is an art therapy session like?

The session will begin with some discussion around what is present for you at the moment, and what you would like to explore deeper. Following this, you can choose the materials you would like to work with, and you’ll spend some time making art. The materials on hand include drawing, painting, clay, collage, construction and fabrics. I will be with you, quietly, while you make. This can sometimes feel unfamiliar or uncomfortable at first, and so we can discuss if I make art at the same time. Then, I invite reflection on what it was like to create the art and what meaning and connection we make from the art and the session’s themes. I will never interpret your art, or use it to diagnose your experience. Rather, we can co-create meaning to gain a deeper understanding.

What is a counselling session like?

We will begin with a check-in and explore what you’d like to focus on in the session. I will spend time listening, reflecting back to you and asking questions to help us paint a picture of what is occurring. This may include exploring some counselling and psychology terms to help explain what is occurring. We may then use some mind-body techniques to check-in with the emotional and physical body, to gain deeper understanding. This uses the breath and body awareness to facilitate this process. We then will reflect on what has come up, and consolidate a way for you to move forward. This may also include some somatic techniques to support you while outside of the therapy room.

How long does a session go for?

Sessions run for 50-55 minutes (I use the final 5-10 minutes to clean the art materials if used and record session notes). This is usually enough time to explore what's occurring in your life.

What are the payment and cancellation terms?

Sessions are $135. Payment is made when a session is booked in via the booking system with a debit/credit card. If you need to cancel or reschedule your session, a minimum 24 hours notice is required. Cancellation with less than 24 hours notice will require a full fee payment.

If you are a student or experiencing financial difficulties, you are welcome to contact me.

How many sessions will I need and how often?

This is different for everyone, and depends on whether there is a specific issue you wish to explore, recurring themes, or if therapy is used as a form of on-going support.

I recommend beginning with three sessions within relative proximity to each other, so we can get to know each other, build trust, identify your needs and get a feel for the therapeutic process. Following this, a support plan can be created to address your needs and we can move sessions to fortnightly, monthly or on an as-need-basis.  

Can I use a Medicare rebate or my NDIS plan?

Unfortunately at this stage neither art therapy or counselling is covered by Medicare. They are both, however, covered by the NDIS. You are welcome to use your NDIS plan funding, provided you are plan-managed or self-managed.